Our flight to Bombay was delayed but we finally reached the city. Kashmera and Krushna were there to meet us at the airport. We sent our bags on to The Taj and we joined Kash and Krushna. They had an additional car and driver, so we caravanned to Juhu.
Being close to Film City where the most of the Bollywood Films are made, Juhu is the home for many of the stars. We were driving with Kash and she pointed out Big “B’s” bungalow (as they call their mansions) Aishwarya Rai’s, etc.
We were headed for the Marriott in Juhu. The hotel is where a lot of stars go, because the have security and won’t be hassled. Most hotels are gated and cars are checked upon arrival. Here the security was intense. A bomb sniffing dog pranced around us, aside from opening the trunk they checked the engine compartment of the car. . In front of us were solid steel car barriers which, once we were inspected, hydraulically retracted into the payment so that the car could proceed. It is amazing being with glamorous stars, heads all turn to look at Kash and Krushna. We all commented that it was a shame Timmy wasn’t here. He would have loved it.
There are many restaurants in the hotel, but the Buffet is the star. This is a huge with excellent food. The chef came over to say hello. He could be a movie star, huge buff man with an incredible deep voice.
We probably spent 3 hours talking and drinking. K & K planned to take us to a private Bollywood Party at a nearby club for an actress friend of hers. We caravanned over and entered the party which was help at a club right on the Juhu beach. We don’t go to Hollywood parties and here we were halfway around the world at a Bollywood one.
There were paparazzi and TV reporters everywhere. The most interesting thing was that when we entered the party, the paparazzi turned towards us. It is amazing being on the other end of the camera. Kash and Krush light up when a camera is turned towards them. There probably were 15 photographers taking our picture (bet that wouldn’t have happened it K & K didn’t have their arms around us). Because of the flashes coming from all of the cameras you can’t see anything. You just stand there and smile. Glad I had brushed my teeth.
Cathy was introduced to a woman TV director and spent a lot of time talking to her. We met a gay couple that has invited us to a dinner and party for tomorrow night. Every time a new star entered the room, air kisses were a plenty, cameras clicked and the buzz continued. The people were dressed very casual, designer jeans, baseball caps, open shirts for the men etc. This was Bombay it was 95 degrees at 1am. What were doing up at 1am?
We left the party and caravanned down to the beach, for a short visit and to look at the Arabian Sea. Juhu is very nice! Especially when you are escorted by movie stars!
Their driver then drove us to the Taj, where we arrived about 2am. This glamorous life can be hard on your sleep.
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